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Increasingly, the world is driven by the desire for more perceived outward beauty. Some people have gone so far as to change everything concerning their appearance in hopes of turning out more beautiful than previously perceived. Beauty, however, is an area where God and man think quite differently. God sees beauty as a matter of the heart, while man thinks beauty involves the putting on of more makeup (2 Kings 9:30), or changing hair color or hair style, or having some cosmetic alteration done to the teeth or body. In the end, the Lord says that man’s idea of beauty is actually quite vain. While men praise outward beauty, the Lord says that “a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”
The story of the good Samaritan is a wonderful illustration of hospitality. The Lord Jesus told of a man who began a trip to Jericho. While on his way, he “fell among thieves” (Luke 10:30) who robbed him, stripped him of his clothes, and wounded him. When they were finished, they left this man for dead. The Lord then told of some men who passed by but were unwilling to help the dying man. Finally, a Samaritan, a people not generally known for their friendship with the Jews, stopped to help. He saw the wounded, dying man and had compassion on him. The Samaritan took the man, “bound up his wounds . . . brought him to an inn, and took care of him” (Luke 10:34). Even when the Samaritan left, he provided additional monies to the inn keeper to insure that the injured man would be cared for as he finished his recovery. The good Samaritan man also assured the innkeeper that he would cover any additional funds necessary.