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Increasingly, the world is driven by the desire for more perceived outward beauty. Some people have gone so far as to change everything concerning their appearance in hopes of turning out more beautiful than previously perceived. Beauty, however, is an area where God and man think quite differently. God sees beauty as a matter of the heart, while man thinks beauty involves the putting on of more makeup (2 Kings 9:30), or changing hair color or hair style, or having some cosmetic alteration done to the teeth or body. In the end, the Lord says that man’s idea of beauty is actually quite vain. While men praise outward beauty, the Lord says that “a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”
Believers are to rebuke others in one form or another, but what primary purpose should the rebuking serve? Some rebuke with a prideful heart leaving the person rebuked with feelings of inferiority. Some rebuke because they themselves are guilty of the same glaring fault within their own lives. However, what purpose should rebuking others serve? According to Titus 1:13, believers are told to rebuke others “that they may be sound in the faith.” Scripturally rebuking someone never serves as a self-gratifying act. Rather, it focuses upon helping others grow, improve, and spiritually mature in the Lord. It should never be the desire of a believer to see another person destroyed through a rebuke but always edified. Galatians 6:1 reiterates this same truth.