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Bible-believing Christians in their desire for independence have sometimes been characterized as rebels disapproving of most authority. This characterization should not be the case and our lives should reflect just the opposite mind-set and approach. Those who know the Lord should be the first to obey, submit to (Hebrews 13:17), and pray for (1 Timothy 2:1-2) those in authority. Those who walk in the flesh are the ones who“despise government” and “are not afraid to speak evil of dignities” (2 Peter 2:10; Jude 1:8). There are times when man’s authority comes into direct conflict with God’s authority. In these cases, men must choose to obey God (Acts 5:29).  Yet, there are plenty of other times when the people of God need to learn a greater respect for authority.
The Bible clearly teaches that no believer is sinless. As such, each believer experiences times when he is rebuked of the Lord. It is a natural part of the Christian life. At the same time, there will be circumstances which will bring about rebuke from other believers (Ecclesiastes 7:5). These are healthy elements of Christian growth. Yet, the goal of every believer should be one where he lives a life beyond rebuke. Paul’s desire for the Philippian believers was that they “may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation” (Philippians 2:15). He then admonished Timothy to keep God’s commandment “without spot” and “unrebukeable” (1 Timothy 6:14).
True contentment only flourishes within the lives of committed followers of God's word. Three important truths aid in fully comprehending scriptural contentment: (1) Man was born into this world with nothing (1 Timothy 6:7), (2) Upon death, man leaves this earth with nothing (1 Timothy 6:7), and (3) God declares that man should be content when provided with food and raiment (clothing) (1 Timothy 6:8). Understanding and accepting these three truths helps cultivate a true sense of godliness and contentment. This is why the Bible defines godliness combined with contentment as “great gain” and warns those who will be rich that they fall victim to temptations, snares, and many foolish and hurtful lusts (1 Timothy 6:9). Interestingly, the Bible warns the covetous man that all of his earthly possessions during a lifetime of accumulation will be left behind for someone else to enjoy (Ecclesiastes 2:17-21). Contrariwise, the contented man with few possessions has his possessions enlarged into “great gain.”