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If you bite and chew your food enough times it will break down into small pieces and disappear into your stomach. In our passage, the apostle Paul informs us that our relationships with others bear the same truth. If we bite and devour one another, we will eventually consume each other. Many believers have quit attending the house of God and given up on serving the Lord because Christians have allowed their words to devour and consume. Just as food can only withstand so many bites before it is fully consumed, other believers can only take so much backbiting before weakened beyond their willingness to withstand. As the people of God, we are responsible for strengthening each other and surely will answer to God for any backbiting.
The words that so flippantly slip from our tongues are often used by the Devil as weapons to wound others. When we think of biting something, we think of using our teeth; yet backbiting employs the tongue. Backbiting is the act of saying something disparaging about someone without regard to the harm caused to that person. Today’s passage demonstrates that the Lord considers backbiting a detestable act; so much so, that David said the backbiter would not abide in the Lord’s tabernacle. According to James chapter 3, the tongue kindles a great fire (James 3:5) and is a world of iniquity (James 3:6). The Bible proves that the quaint phrase used as a child, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is both untrue and unscriptural. Instead, the tongue is “full of deadly poison” (James 3:8). Backbiting wounds its victims – wounds which sometimes fester for years under the surface!
The Bible describes the last days of the church age as perilous times overwhelmed by excess of sin. However, dedicated Christians living within God’s will desire righteousness to reign. No matter, sins such as pride, blasphemy, despising the good, and loving pleasures more than God prevail during the last days. Believers are admonished not to get caught up in them and forewarned to turn away from these activities. These areas are all recognized as problems increasingly prevalent in today's societies, but sometimes “we miss the forest for the trees.” We recognize these obvious sins as severe and sore displeasing to the Lord; but in their midst, the Lord also mentions unthankfulness. This is another of the identifying marks of the end times. People have grown increasingly unthankful. Unfortunately, these earmarks are not limited to the world but have also infiltrated the church.
“What is the will of God for my life?” serves as one of the most oft asked questions by Christians. Unfortunately, far too many Christians complicate their search and fail in their desperate attempts to find God's will for their lives. They invest considerable time and energy looking for a field of service. All the while, they fail to notice the plain truth revealed in the scriptures concerning God's will. The truth is likely very simple. The Bible declares it good to give thanks unto the Lord and failure to do what is good is sin (James 4:17). It stands to reason, therefore, that giving God thanks serves as one of the most basic ways for man to obey the will of God. “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Conclusion: Giving God thanks serves as the simplest way to fulfil God's will in a Christian's life.
Likely, no mere mortal endured more difficulty over a short period of time than did Job. Job suffered several awful trials with most of them coming simultaneously. Perhaps Job should not be remembered so much for the trials, but for how he handled those trials. When Job received the news that his children had perished, he said, “Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD” (Job 1:21). The verse which follows Job’s statement conveys volumes, “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.” Job’s endurance of such trials led the Lord to point to Job as an outstanding example of patience (James 5:11).
Hear God's word, keep it, and it will “bring forth fruit with patience.” Today's passage comes from a series of verses (Luke 8:11-15) wherein the Lord explained the interpretation of a parable to His disciples. The Lord's interpretation incorporates another wonderful truth concerning patience. He likens patience to planting a seed and waiting for the fruit of that seed to develop and grow. Of course, the growth and maturation process takes time. A farmer going into the field every day to look for growth shows a lack of patience and wisdom. This truth equally applies to the Christian life; growing in the Lord takes time. Expecting maturity overnight is both unwise and unfruitful. A newly born-again Christian certainly cannot expect to bear the fruit of an established believer in a short period of time. In fact, the Lord promises that fruit will be brought forth only with patience. Consider the truth taught concerning the husbandman who “waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it” (James 5:7). We must all patiently wait for the seeds of life to develop into fruit in the Lord's time.
The previous devotion explored the importance of patience in the life of the believer. That study revealed how God's word challenges us to have boldness and to pray for patience. Today's study reveals why Christians are frequently taught not to ask or pray for patience. The scripture points out a four step process by which the believer increases in hope. This process includes wonderful aspects like patience, experience, and hope; however, the step preceding patience troubles most believers. “Tribulation worketh patience” (Romans 5:3). Since patience develops through enduring times of difficulty, the difficulties present the best opportunity to gain true patience. James reinforces this truth by stating that “the trying of your faith worketh patience” (James 1:3). People should not be discouraged from praying for patience since the inevitable tribulation and trials develop the patience, experience, and hope that God desires in the Christian's life.
Patience functions as an essential attribute in the life of every faithful believer. The Bible clearly points to patience as necessary for the development of experience and hope (Romans 5:3-5). Additionally, patience makes the believer “perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:4). In fact, Peter's second epistle promises that the believer possessing patience “shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:5-9). Therefore, the Bible seems to emphatically proclaim that men “have need of patience” (Hebrews 10:36). Patience is especially necessary in times of trial and during periods of uncertainty. Patience will not be necessary in eternity, but life on earth presents times that demand the utmost patience.
Have you ever heard that it is unwise to pray for patience? Since “tribulation worketh patience” (Romans 5:3), it is thought to be dangerous to pray for patience. The idea may be quaint, but it does not make for good advice. The word patience is historically connected to the word passion which is biblically defined as suffering (Acts 1:3). True to its association, the word patience means to suffer or endure some time of trial. No wonder doctors and hospitals refer to a person suffering from health issues as a patient. The Bible bears further testimony to these truths by associating patience with waiting (James 5:7) and enduring (2 Thessalonians 1:4; James 5:11). The Bible also combines patience with the word longsuffering (Colossians 1:11). These words may appear the same, but they are not. Longsuffering has to do with the quantity (or length of time) of endurance, while patience has to do with the quality of endurance.