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Young people often underestimate how the Lord might use them for His glory even at an early age. Yet, the Lord frequently used children and young people to accomplish great feats. One such case is the testimony of the unnamed lad who supplied five barley loaves and two small fishes. Though his name and age are unknown, his selflessness and availability are not. The Lord took his insignificant meal and multiplied it until it was able to feed five thousand men, plus women and children. The Lord did not refuse the lad for service due to his inexperience or inabilities. He merely needed the lad’s availability. In like manner, God desires to use young people today. All He needs is for a young person to make himself available and leave the results to God.
The Bible plainly points out that God is not the author (or originator) of the confusion in the life of any believer. In fact, God desires for every individual to have clarity of mind when it comes to the truths found in His word. He wants man to know for a certainty concerning his eternal destination, whether heaven or hell. God furthermore wants man to have perfect clarity in distinguishing sin from righteousness. Simply put, God has no desire for believers to live in a confused state of mind. Had sin never entered into the world, there would be no conflicting feelings or voices introducing the confusion so prevalent today. Yet, God’s truth becomes even more essential in order to clear up the confusion caused by sin and Satan.