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Thankfulness strengthens and builds one's faith in the Lord. Christians need more outward and vocal expression of their thankfulness for God's provisions and blessings. Giving of thanks simply exalts the Lord. According to scripture, man can “magnify him [God] with thanksgiving.” Something magnified is made easier to see. Therefore, when men give thanks to the Lord, they make God more visible to a world overcome by sin. For what do you have to be thankful? Try giving God thanks for answered prayers, deliverance from trials, or simply His daily provisions. This thankfulness would help the world to see Him better. Ungrateful Christians have helped to convince the world that it does not need to give God credit for creation (and redemption among other things). Long before these perversions of truth, Christians ceased to give thanks.
Paul and Barnabas functioned similar to pioneer church planters who travel into unreached areas with the gospel. As they traveled, they faithfully preached the gospel and started churches with the goal of returning later to strengthen the believers. As Paul and Barnabas were planning their return to these areas, a conflict arose between them concerning who would accompany them on their journey. Barnabas desired to take a young man named John Mark, but Paul adamantly refused. Mark had accompanied them on the first trip, but departed from them and “went not with them to the work.” Paul felt as though he could no longer depend upon John Mark because of his earlier failure. The contention was so strong that Paul and Barnabas parted company and went their own separate ways. This is a sad narrative should it end here; however, there is much more to the story. Praise God that Paul later remarked of John Mark that “he is profitable to me for the ministry” (2 Timothy 4:11).