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Many carnal believers quoting 1 Timothy 5:23 have attempted to justify their unscriptural use of alcohol. Yet, a careful look at the scriptures proves that they wrest (or twist) the scripture to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). From the passage, we understand that Timothy was plagued by some chronic health problems. Paul specifically mentioned stomach problems, but there were other infirmities that beset him as well. Drinking water was not curing Timothy’s ailments, so Paul, perhaps with doctor Luke’s guidance and recommendation, suggested “a little wine” for Timothy’s often infirmities. What purpose did the wine serve? It was strictly medicinal and not social or pleasurable. In other words, Paul said that Timothy needed some medicine to facilitate his recovery. Paul was not offering Timothy or us an excuse to drink but a prescription of medicine for recovery from debilitating ailments.
Food is a necessity for sustaining life. Interestingly, the Bible records several instances where a man’s need for food became a source of great temptation. For instance, Esau was willing to sell his birthright because he considered one meal more valuable than his future inheritance. The Bible also records several instances where the children of Israel allowed their desire for food to incite rebellion against the Lord (Numbers 11:4-6). Another very important example of appetite involves the earliest narratives recorded in Genesis involving an overwhelming appetite. In the garden, Eve partook of the forbidden fruit when she “saw that the tree was good for food” (Genesis 3:6). Due to the many examples of inordinate appetite leading to sin, it comes as no surprise that the Devil first sought to tempt the Lord by commanding stones to be made bread (Luke 4:3) after He had fasted for forty days.
Scripture misconceptions are frequently based upon superficial understanding of Bible texts and truths. For example, very few Bible teachers seem to grasp the biblical definition of gluttony. Most people consider gluttony as referring to the sin of overeating. However, the Bible’s built-in dictionary suggests a completely different scenario. Consider the two parallels within our text. Proverbs 23:21 defines the drunkard as someone among winebibbers in verse 20. Additionally, Proverbs 23:21 defines the glutton as someone among riotous eaters of flesh in verse 20. This context shows us that gluttony is not determined so much by the amount of food eaten, but the manner of food consumption. The fact that gluttony and drunkenness are mentioned every time together further confirms this truth (Deuteronomy 21:20; Proverbs 23:21; Matthew 11:19; Luke 7:34). Notice that the last two references in Matthew and Luke refer to the false accusations hurled toward the Saviour. When Christ’s accusers referred to Him as a gluttonous man and a winebibber, they were referring to His associations with the publicans and sinners, not His personal eating and drinking habits!
Throughout mankind’s history, God has placed various dietary restrictions upon people. In the beginning, God gave man herbs and fruit for meat (Genesis 1:29). Under the law, the diet expanded, yet still excluded certain animals that the Lord deemed unclean (Leviticus 11:1-23). The issue was so important that questions concerning dietary restrictions were raised in the early church. In the end, the only restrictions specifically given for the New Testament church were that they should not partake of food knowingly offered to idols, and they should refrain from eating the blood (Acts 15:20, 29; Acts 21:25). 1 Timothy 4:4 confirms these truths by stating that no creature is to be refused based upon some man-made mandate.
The various dieting trends push for several additional times that man should eat. The Bible clears up any question concerning the number of meals an individual should eat in a single day. Believers should be very careful not to accept the latest trends as though they are the best or even from the Lord. Within scripture, one finds someone partaking of the meal commonly called breakfast (Judges 19:5), at other times, one finds someone partaking of a meal at noon (Genesis 43:16), and at other times, partaking of an evening meal (Luke 24:29-30). In the case of Elijah, the Lord only fed him twice a day (1 Kings 17:6). The most important truth to realize and consider: know that food purposes to give man the necessary strength to fulfil the will of the Lord.
Today's passage comes from a portion of one of Christ's many parables (Luke 20:9). The interpretation of the parable declares that God sent prophets and priests to deliver His message to the Jewish people, but in the end He sent His own Son (Hebrews 1:2). In the parable, the Lord said, “I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him” (Luke 20:13). The lack of reverence by the Jews did not take God by surprise. It was simply a legitimate offer to be right with God. Additionally, God intended for this parable to express an important truth: the Father expects mankind to reverence His Son. The world mocked Him, beat Him, and eventually executed Him as though He was a hardened criminal. Should we be surprised when people today fail to reverence the Son as they refuse to trust Him as Saviour?
The Bible employs the word “reverend” only once. Studying the context offers one appropriate definition and acceptable usage. Unfortunately, the vast majority of believers are unaware that the title “reverend” has been inappropriately usurped to apply to men. This reflects how far so-called Bible teachers and preachers have strayed from God's holy precepts. God wants Christians to show proper respect to a man of God, but the title “reverend” should never be used to address him. There is only one Name that is reverend and that is the Lord’s. An English Baptist pastor and author, Robert Robinson, who wrote the hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, abhorred the pomp assumed by many of his ministerial colleagues. He once said, “I wonder why any man should be so silly as to call me Reverend.” Only one is worthy of all praise and honour and that is the Lord (Psalm 99:3; Revelation 4:8).