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Marriage is a lifelong invitation to serve the Lord together and strengthen one another in that service. God instituted marriage so that man would not have to be alone. Every groom was to enter into marriage for the purpose of glorifying God with his spouse. The context of Psalm 34 does not directly refer to marriage, but verse 3 provides an amazing invitation that should be presented to every couple entering into the marriage relationship. A young man should ask a young lady to marry him because he believes that they can better magnify the Lord as a couple rather than individually. If the Lord wills, it is an invitation to bear children and train them up in such a way that the next generation would likewise desire to magnify the Lord.
Today’s passage picks up the narrative as the apostle Paul had just escaped a ship wreck near an island called Melita. The shipwreck and the weather made for some grim conditions. It was cold and rainy and the island contained what the Bible termed as a barbarous people. For most, this frightful scenario would seem hopeless. Yet, “something” or Someone had placed a desire within the hearts of this barbarous people to show kindness toward Paul and those with him. When these strangers showed up on the island, the natives kindled a fire and wholeheartedly welcomed them. The apostle Luke (the penman of Acts) emphasized that the people showed “no little kindness,” suggesting that the kindness manifested was considerable. Think about it! These people, ignorant of the Lord and His word, showed kindness to strangers; surely, God’s people could do as much.