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Anger is not sinful, yet the source of one’s anger sometimes does manifest one’s sinful heart. Perhaps the prophet Jonah best demonstrates this truth. When the Lord first approached Jonah about the need in Nineveh, Jonah clearly displayed his displeasure in seeing the Lord work in the lives of the Ninevites. After experiencing the Lord’s chastening, Jonah appeared to have a heart change. Yet, it did not take long before his anger revealed his true feelings and thoughts. As the hearts of the Ninevites were becoming tender toward the Lord, the prophet’s heart was becoming hardened through anger. His anger revealed that he wanted his own will and not God’s.
Today’s passage picks up the narrative as the apostle Paul had just escaped a ship wreck near an island called Melita. The shipwreck and the weather made for some grim conditions. It was cold and rainy and the island contained what the Bible termed as a barbarous people. For most, this frightful scenario would seem hopeless. Yet, “something” or Someone had placed a desire within the hearts of this barbarous people to show kindness toward Paul and those with him. When these strangers showed up on the island, the natives kindled a fire and wholeheartedly welcomed them. The apostle Luke (the penman of Acts) emphasized that the people showed “no little kindness,” suggesting that the kindness manifested was considerable. Think about it! These people, ignorant of the Lord and His word, showed kindness to strangers; surely, God’s people could do as much.