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When asked about the requirements for baptism, John the Baptist gave several suggestions including, “Do violence to no man.” It can be argued that John was not simply giving baptismal requirements but simply attempting to draw attention to the wickedness of those seeking his baptism. Regardless, we know that John admonished the people to cease from violence. The Bible makes obvious exceptions during times of war or in the exacting of righteous judgment. However, as a rule, God calls the righteous to live peaceably with others and avoid violence (Romans 12:18). Christians are further admonished against finding any pleasure in those who do such things (Romans 1:29, 32).
Covetousness has often moved men to violence that they might not have otherwise been inclined to do. For instance, wicked king Ahab had a strong desire to obtain a vineyard belonging to Naboth (1 Kings 21:1-4). When Naboth refused to sell the vineyard, Ahab returned to his house to mourn. When Jezebel saw her husband’s grief, she created a plan to take the vineyard by force (1 Kings 21:5-16). This principle is not limited to Ahab and Jezebel but has unfortunately been the historical motive for many acts of violence. When men cannot fulfil the lusts of their flesh in a righteous manner, they simply resort to other means which often includes violence.
Today's passage comes from a portion of one of Christ's many parables (Luke 20:9). The interpretation of the parable declares that God sent prophets and priests to deliver His message to the Jewish people, but in the end He sent His own Son (Hebrews 1:2). In the parable, the Lord said, “I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him” (Luke 20:13). The lack of reverence by the Jews did not take God by surprise. It was simply a legitimate offer to be right with God. Additionally, God intended for this parable to express an important truth: the Father expects mankind to reverence His Son. The world mocked Him, beat Him, and eventually executed Him as though He was a hardened criminal. Should we be surprised when people today fail to reverence the Son as they refuse to trust Him as Saviour?
The Bible employs the word “reverend” only once. Studying the context offers one appropriate definition and acceptable usage. Unfortunately, the vast majority of believers are unaware that the title “reverend” has been inappropriately usurped to apply to men. This reflects how far so-called Bible teachers and preachers have strayed from God's holy precepts. God wants Christians to show proper respect to a man of God, but the title “reverend” should never be used to address him. There is only one Name that is reverend and that is the Lord’s. An English Baptist pastor and author, Robert Robinson, who wrote the hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, abhorred the pomp assumed by many of his ministerial colleagues. He once said, “I wonder why any man should be so silly as to call me Reverend.” Only one is worthy of all praise and honour and that is the Lord (Psalm 99:3; Revelation 4:8).