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Men should praise the Lord, and they ought to praise Him often. They should praise Him in scriptural manners and for scriptural reasons. Yet, no matter how lofty the praise may be that man offers to the Lord, it still falls short of declaring the greatness of God. In Nehemiah 9:5, the Levites admonished the people to “stand up and bless the LORD,” while at the same time expressing that the name of God far surpassed all their praises. Some might suggest that the failures of men’s praise should altogether exclude the praise, but the Levites emphasized that men still ought to offer their praise. Though the praise of men can never reach to the height of God’s worth, God still chose to inhabit the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).
“What is the will of God for my life?” serves as one of the most oft asked questions by Christians. Unfortunately, far too many Christians complicate their search and fail in their desperate attempts to find God's will for their lives. They invest considerable time and energy looking for a field of service. All the while, they fail to notice the plain truth revealed in the scriptures concerning God's will. The truth is likely very simple. The Bible declares it good to give thanks unto the Lord and failure to do what is good is sin (James 4:17). It stands to reason, therefore, that giving God thanks serves as one of the most basic ways for man to obey the will of God. “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Conclusion: Giving God thanks serves as the simplest way to fulfil God's will in a Christian's life.