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Christianity was never intended to be made up of mindless and robotic men and women. People can come to different conclusions without being sinful in doing so.
More knowledgeable Christians should never mock or disdain weaker believers, nor should they become stumblingstones toward these brethren.
Although jealously is one of God’s attributes, envy is not. Rather, envy is a product of a sinful nature found only in mankind. It is important to note that long before envy manifests itself outwardly, it first devises its plan within the heart (Mark 7:21-23). Unfortunately, this characteristic is not limited exclusively to the wicked but also frustrates the righteous. This reveals why Solomon warned his son to guard his heart against the dangers of envy. According to Job, envy slays (Job 5:2), and it often slays the instigator with the victim. Every believer must battle daily to avoid allowing envy to overtake his heart and defile him.