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How would making your motive match the Lord's motive change how you approach the Christian life (from witnessing to praying to Bible reading and so on)?
What can you learn from those who paid the ultimate price for their faith? How could you use more of the faith that they demonstrated in their deaths?
For many ages now, the people of God have been asking, “how long?” This question suggests a longing, a longing for the Lord to set things straight.
John wondered at the thought that there would be a time in the future when a group identifying as Christian would put others to death for having faith in Christ.
In the tribulation, there will be many who will love “not their lives unto the death.” Their love for the Saviour will surpass their love for life itself.
The Bible has been unjustly criticized for stating that believers living in Daniel’s Seventieth Week could be “beheaded for the witness of Jesus.”
A martyr is one who is killed for his faith. Only two individuals are specifically named as martyrs in scripture: Stephen and Antipas.
Far too much of the Christian's focus has little to no impact beyond the here and now. When Christians leave this world to meet the Lord, there are some things that will carry through to eternity (1 Timothy 6:19). One involves the thanksgiving we present to our Creator. In fact, death will heighten our desire and ability to offer thanks to God. Departed believers, along with angels and other spirit beings are already giving thanks to God in heaven. Our thanksgiving like theirs already will become more frequent and increasingly pure when we finally see our Saviour face-to-face. One day, we too will join that throng to thank the One who gave His everything for us. Why wait to face any regret of not having obeyed the Lord while on earth? Give God thanks now!