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Our studies reveal that the Bible places great emphasis upon the evils of strife. Any sincere believer should recognize that this negative strife is often based upon pride, hatred, and a love for transgression. Yet, there are times when the opposite holds true. Striving can be done out of a holy desire to please the Lord. Perhaps the most significant aspect concerns the enemy with whom believers strive. The apostle Paul said that he “strived to preach the gospel” (Romans 15:20) and desired for believers to “strive together with” him in prayers to God (Romans 15:30). He further illustrated his point concerning striving by pointing out some opposing parallels: the world strives for mastery in order to gain a corruptible crown, but believers should strive to gain an incorruptible crown.
Time is short! The time of Christ’s return is approaching quickly (Romans 13:11-12). There is no time for petty strife amongst believers. This is not the time to stir up the troops one against another, but rather the time to rally them under the same banner admonishing them to adorn the same armour (Romans 13:12). This is the time for believers to walk honestly (Romans 13:13). The battle has been raging for some time, and this battle leaves no time for participation in the rioting and drunkenness found in society (Romans 13:13). There is far too much at stake. The believers who choose to participate in strife and envy may feel as though they are winning the battle, but they fail to realize how they are losing the war. It is time for believers to crucify the flesh and serve Christ (Romans 13:14).
For some people, giving to the Lord is the equivalent of going to the dentist to have teeth pulled. They would rather do anything than to dip into their finances for the Lord. Yet, there are others who rejoice in giving to the work of the Lord. What is the difference between these two groups of people? One group gives from a willing heart. The other group, if they give at all, does so grudgingly (2 Corinthians 9:7). While giving instructions to Moses concerning an offering, the Lord said, “of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering” (Exodus 25:2). The Lord commands His people to give, but He desires that the giving be willing. The right heart in giving will rejoice that he gets to give and never considers that he has to give (1 Chronicles 29:9).
What does it mean to give financially to the Lord’s work? Does it mean that we give to the Lord only to try and manipulate the spending of every dime? Does it mean that we give without concern whatsoever on how the money will be spent? In our passage, we find that believers should give with simplicity. Before we give, we should pray and insure that our giving is acceptable to the Lord. Is the church receiving the gift doing the Lord’s work? Is the money being used to reach the lost and edify the saints? Once certain that the Lord approves of our giving, we should strive to always give with simplicity. The money is the Lord’s and we must insure before giving that we are parting with control. To do otherwise means that we are not giving with simplicity.
As we have previously studied, God is the believer’s source of joy. Specifically, God’s indwelling presence makes this an accessible virtue. The Lord indwells those who are saved and does so through the person of the Holy Ghost. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that the disciples who were filled with the Holy Ghost were also filled with joy. God identifies the nature of the kingdom of God as “righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17). This is why the Bible includes joy and peace when it defines the ninefold fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). This is why the believers in Thessalonica received the word “with joy of the Holy Ghost” (1 Thessalonians 1:6). The more the Holy Ghost has control, the more joy from the Lord a man will experience.
Joy and peace! Any sensible person would readily admit his desire for a life filled with joy. Yet, few people understand the prerequisites for regularly living that way. Previous studies mentioned several of joy’s accompanying virtues, but today’s passage provides one of joy's unifying properties. According to our passage, peace accompanies joy. Proverbs 12:20 also expresses this same relationship: “Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy.” Those who seek peace will often find joy in this life because peace and joy are entwined. Isaiah 55:12 restates this truth: “For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace.” It is important to note that men will not “go out with joy” unless they are first “led forth with peace.” Peace and joy are always inseparable. Those who have the peace of God after they are at peace with God through salvation will experience "joy unspeakable" (1 Peter 1:8).
The Bible provides several sources of man’s joy, but each source can in some way be directly traced back to the Lord. In today's passage, Psalm 43:4 describes God as the psalmist's “exceeding joy.” According to Psalm 16:11, there is “fulness of joy” in God’s presence. While the Bible indicates that man’s soul can be joyful in the Lord (Psalm 35:9; Isaiah 61:10), it also associates joy directly to God’s strength (Psalm 21:1). Moreover, God’s word provides a source of joy for the saint (Jeremiah 15:16). In the New Testament, the book of Romans identifies God as the saint’s source of joy, but specifically, this joy comes “through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:11). Perhaps men lack the joy of the Lord because they disregard the Lord of their joy.