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This verse, apart from John 3:16, may be the most recognized and certainly the most quoted verse by those who have little concern for God or the things of God. Matthew 7:1 also happens to be one of the most misinterpreted and misapplied verses in all of scripture. This verse is abused by non-Christians as well as those living a carnal lifestyle. Non-Christians do not want to be held to any biblical standard while carnal Christians attempt to use the verse to avoid having judgment passed upon them and their questionable actions. The spiritual Christian knows that the context of the verse simply discourages judging hypocritically. God never intended for His children to not judge. This passage, along with many others, simply points out the inexcusability of passing judgment upon matters where those judging are likewise guilty of the same actions. The point is not to avoid judgment altogether but to avoid hypocrisy while judging. This truth was taught during the Lord's ministry but also reiterated by the apostle Paul in Romans 2:1.
God's children are supposed to be easily recognizable through their love one for another (John 13:35). Today's passage teaches Christians to be both kind and forgiving. In the midst of these two exemplary qualities, the Lord desires His children to show forth a tender heart. This means that our hearts ought to be easily moved when other believers are experiencing either joy or distress in their lives (Romans 12:15). Unfortunately, instead of exemplifying a tender heart, far too many believers are becoming more like the world by displaying a divisive spirit and by devouring one another (Galatians 5:15). Believers who are hard-hearted toward others are generally hard-hearted toward the Lord as well (1 John 3:17).
No sensible person would ever ask to be on the receiving end of the wrath of God. The thought is completely illogical! Yet, this scenario takes place every day in the lives of those who live with hardened hearts toward the things of God. The Bible affirms that a humble spirit begs God's attention and brings His corresponding blessings (Isaiah 66:2). Contrariwise, a hard heart also garners God's attention but for judgment rather than blessing. Today's passage points out that the hard heart treasures up wrath against itself. This wrath rarely takes place immediately, but it will come in the “day of wrath.” It is important to recall that hardness of heart brought the plagues upon Egypt and it brought blindness to the Jews in Jesus' day. Ultimately, it will bring eternal damnation in the lake of fire to all those who fail to accept God's payment for sin.