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God instituted marriage and He alone has the right to establish the rightful candidates to join together in this or any other union. Man has no God-given right to interfere with the precepts of God. Everything in creation declares that marriage always includes only a relationship between one man and one woman. Additionally, the marriage bounds are not subject to popular vote of society nor subject to modification by any court or law of the land. Its conditions are set by the highest law and the highest court. God could have presented Adam with another man, but He did not. In God’s eyes, marriage is a specific relationship fulfilled only between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:21-23), and any deviation of this is unseemly and an abomination to God (Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-27).
The first part of Isaiah chapter 32 speaks of a future time when the Lord will right wrongs that exist in societies. Isaiah points out that the Lord will reign in righteousness (Isaiah 32:1) and mankind will no longer be blinded by sin (Isaiah 32:3-4). Though many wrongs will be made right, the Lord specifically mentions that the vile will no longer be called liberal (Isaiah 32:5). How did the Lord know in Isaiah’s day that the label liberal would be inappropriately used to address the vile? Perhaps this was already taking place or the Lord was merely demonstrating His infinite knowledge and prophetic aptitude. Liberals are not Bible corrupters, nor are they politicians holding nonconservative points of view. Quite simply, a liberal is a person who gives generously.