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Most men would rather accept lies than to believe the truth. This bias against the truth has been present as far back as the garden of Eden.
All men, at some point in their lives, are confronted with the truth. At such time, men must choose to accept or reject that truth.
The God of the Bible is a God of truth. On the other hand, the Devil is the great enemy of truth. The Bible says of him, “there is no truth in him.”
Solomon's mother advised him not to give his strength unto women. He ignored this advice and his wives turned away his heart after other gods.
When man shuns God’s word, he passes up his only hope for knowing what sin is and how it affects him both now and for all eternity.
If there is anything in this world worthy of man’s respect, it is the Bible. God’s word is far superior to any other book to which man may wish to compare it.
The word religion has a bad reputation. Truly, religion that offers no change of heart is bad, but there is religion that changes a man’s heart before God.
Far too many people have forsaken the simplicity which is in Christ and have instead pursued the complexity and labour of religion (2 Corinthians 11:3).
Many people use time set aside for rest to do things that deprive of rest. This compounds the need for rest and the problems associated with not getting any.
Each believer will, at some point, be confronted with the conflicting choice to obey God rather than to obey men’s anti-scriptural precepts.