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Perceived strength can be one’s own worst enemy. After all, it leads people to think that they are more powerful and capable than they really are.
Man must spend his strength on things that matter. In doing so, we must focus our efforts upon the right things while working through and by God's power.
Christ was no thief, but He allowed Himself to be crucified with and for thieves. Why did He allow this? Love compelled Him to bear the sins of many.
Men rob God by simply withholding what God requested. This robbing takes on two forms: not giving what God has required or giving less than one’s best.
Many people think that guilt is only the burden of those who personally commit sin. The reality is that consenting to wickedness is equally as bad.
Sin develops, plots, schemes, and finalizes its dastardly deeds within the heart of the guilty long before the sin manifests itself to the eyes of others.
To steal is to wrongfully and selfishly take something that belongs to someone else and place it amongst one’s own possessions.
Any honest person, however, would have to confess that God hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
The soul that sins shall bear his iniquity. How does a man bear his iniquity? The answer is quite simple: by suffering the consequences of those sins.
Sin affects men in various ways, but it attacks them in every facet of life. It hinders their walk with God and hurts their ability to reach others for Christ.