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Truth is a crucial piece in the believer’s armour, girding the loins and, as such, freeing a man from life's entanglements.
God is particularly interested in what is going on within the heart of man. Specifically, He seeks for, and desires to find, TRUTH.
It is imperative that men speak the truth, for “he that speaketh the truth sheweth forth righteousness,” and his lip “shall be established for ever.”
God wants believers to serve Him in truth. In fact, it is this very issue that will determine “of what sort” our work is at the judgment seat of Christ.
It is a misconception that truth and love conflict and thus one always overshadows the other. Truly, God calls us to live by and demonstrate both.
Strength is not tested or demonstrated during times of ease. Rather, it is during times of adversity that one finds out just how strong he is.
God has a calling on each man’s life. Furthermore, He enables men to fulfill their appointed work. Man, however, must be strong and DO the work.
Solomon's mother advised him not to give his strength unto women. He ignored this advice and his wives turned away his heart after other gods.
God works in mysterious ways! At times, in order to bring about His desired plan in the lives of His own people, the Lord strengthens the hands of His enemies.
Perceived strength can be one’s own worst enemy. After all, it leads people to think that they are more powerful and capable than they really are.