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Some believers err on the side of laziness while other believers err on the side of taking no rest. Both can be life threatening in one’s walk with God.
The land cannot continually endure the stress of producing the same crops without some time of rest for renewal. Man is no different.
Many people use time set aside for rest to do things that deprive of rest. This compounds the need for rest and the problems associated with not getting any.
The Sabbath was a sign between the Lord and Israel, but it also demonstrates a principle that man needs a period set aside to rest.
Every man requires rest from his labour. Failure to take time away from life's pressures eventually take time away from the sum total of a man's years.
Each believer will, at some point, be confronted with the conflicting choice to obey God rather than to obey men’s anti-scriptural precepts.
In every country, believers should be the most faithful and conscientious citizens. Believers are to do this, not for personal gain, but for the Lord’s sake.
God calls people into different works. In the midst of this diversity, a common thread unites all the work—men ought to do all they do to the glory of God.
There are times when we attempt to do the right thing only to have our motive judged as impure. In such times, we can learn much from David's example.
It is imperative that each believer not only do what is right, but also examine himself to make sure that he is doing what is right for the right reasons.