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God comforts believers expecting that they, in turn, will extend that heaven-sent comfort toward others during their times of need. Believers are admonished to “comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, and be patient toward all men” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). Stronger believers are encouraged to bear the infirmities of those who are weak (Romans 15:1). When one believer weeps as a result of the trials and troubles of this life, the body of Christ should weep with that brother or sister (Romans 12:15). Every member of the body of Christ should be available to the strengthening and support of other members of the body, for in doing so, believers fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).
Far too many people wrongly assume that the Bible lacks relevance in addressing modern problems. However, the Bible declares that things written aforetime were written for comfort in present troubles. Though the Bible does not deal specifically with every modern trouble, the work of God in past believers’ lives offers the comfort necessary to face any trouble. This is one of many reasons why it is imperative that believers read the entire Bible and not limit it to the New Testament or certain epistles within it. God’s workings in the lives of Job, Abraham, and Jeremiah can offer just as much comfort as God’s workings in the lives of Paul or John. No matter the trouble faced, an open Bible with a receptive heart serves as man’s greatest opportunity for experiencing the ever allusive comfort.
The Bible never directly addresses the Lord Jesus as “the Comforter,” yet the Lord alluded to this title. The Lord told His followers that the coming of the Holy Ghost would be God’s means of sending them “another Comforter” (John 14:16). Evidently, the Lord Jesus served as the Comforter and the Holy Ghost would function as another Comforter. During His earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus worked in the lives of those who followed Him. He was their Comforter. When He went to the Father, the Father sent “another Comforter” and He is the Holy Ghost. Each person who is born again by the grace of God has the Holy Ghost dwelling within (Romans 8:9). When troubles come, and they will, the believer has within himself a person of the Godhead that specializes in comforting those afflicted.
The Bible clearly states that all comfort comes either directly or indirectly from the Lord. The Bible says that He is “the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:3). Any true and lasting comfort man receives originates with and through the Lord (James 1:17), and the comfort given by God can comfort each of us in any and all tribulation (2 Corinthians 1:4). Unfortunately, man seems to think that every problem he faces requires a different area of study with various solutions. Yet, the Bible contradicts this line of thinking by stating that every tribulation has only one source of comfort. It is important to note that the comfort received by one person can be passed on to help others regardless of the trouble faced. That is the power of God’s comfort!
The world places a premium on the concept of living comfortably. For instance, people desire comfortable clothes, comfortable beds, comfortable cars, comfortable furniture, etc. The list is unending. There are even foods designated as “comfort foods.” Yet, with this great emphasis upon comfort, the world seems to experience so little of true comfort. So, what exactly is comfort? Why is speaking of comfort so trendy and yet so hard to achieve? The word comfort is easily defined by breaking it down into two parts: com and fort. The prefix com means “with” and the word fort means “strength.” Simply put, comfort involves a strength that a person can carry with him. Immediately, every Christian should recognize that very little true comfort exists in this world. True comfort stems from the Lord and not that offered outside of Him.
Many historians and certainly the Jews praised Solomon’s temple as the most glorious structure ever built. Yet, most people fail to realize that the love of Solomon’s father for the Lord supplied much of the material to make the temple a reality. The Bible says that David set his affection on the house of God and gave of his “own proper good, of gold and silver.” When we love someone, we have no trouble giving to that person. When we love a cause, we have no trouble giving to that cause. Perhaps one reason why some people fail to give to the Lord and His work stems from the fact that they really only love the Lord with lip service. Or possibly the reason why people fail to give to the work of the Lord is because they have no concern for the work of the Lord to continue. David gave because he set his affection on the house of God. Which example applies to you?
For some people, giving to the Lord is the equivalent of going to the dentist to have teeth pulled. They would rather do anything than to dip into their finances for the Lord. Yet, there are others who rejoice in giving to the work of the Lord. What is the difference between these two groups of people? One group gives from a willing heart. The other group, if they give at all, does so grudgingly (2 Corinthians 9:7). While giving instructions to Moses concerning an offering, the Lord said, “of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering” (Exodus 25:2). The Lord commands His people to give, but He desires that the giving be willing. The right heart in giving will rejoice that he gets to give and never considers that he has to give (1 Chronicles 29:9).
What does it mean to give financially to the Lord’s work? Does it mean that we give to the Lord only to try and manipulate the spending of every dime? Does it mean that we give without concern whatsoever on how the money will be spent? In our passage, we find that believers should give with simplicity. Before we give, we should pray and insure that our giving is acceptable to the Lord. Is the church receiving the gift doing the Lord’s work? Is the money being used to reach the lost and edify the saints? Once certain that the Lord approves of our giving, we should strive to always give with simplicity. The money is the Lord’s and we must insure before giving that we are parting with control. To do otherwise means that we are not giving with simplicity.
Every person cannot give the same amount, but every person can give. According to our passage, “Every man shall give as he is able.” Because some people might use this as an excuse not to give, the Lord further states that giving should be “according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee.” The New Testament repeats this same principle in 1 Corinthians 16:2. Every man is to give “as God hath prospered him.” The book of Acts gives a practical example. In Acts 11:29, the disciples sent relief to their brethren and every man did so “according to his ability.” Each believer should give to the Lord corresponding to how the Lord has prospered him.
Giving must be purposeful and does not happen by accident. Before giving to the Lord, the Christian must first purpose in his heart to willingly give. Not only must he purpose in his heart to give, but he must also purpose what and when to give. Furthermore, he must purpose to give according to his ability and to give faithfully. These are important elements that each believer should constantly address. Failure to consider these important aspects breeds confusion and allows the Devil to deter that man from obedience. Each believer or family unit should sit down and purpose with God’s leading what and when to give. Then each believer should faithfully give as the Lord leads and as that individual or family has purposed in heart.