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The salutations given by one saint to another are to be given through prayer having both the word of God and the will of God in mind.
The apostle Paul knew the saints of God and desired to greet them by name. This serves as a tremendous demonstration of brotherly love!
Paul’s salutation was so important to him that although he did not personally pen most of his epistles, he personally penned his salutation.
A man’s salutation can serve as the initial window to the condition of his heart. To understand this truth, consider Nabal's salutation concerning David.
The Bible often defines words through their associations. For instance, the words salute, saluteth, and salutation involve a greeting.
The book of Ruth tells the story of a family torn apart by death and how God miraculously worked behind the scenes. Ruth, a Moabite, married a Jew who was the son of Elimelech and Naomi. Over time while Naomi lived in Moab, her husband and both of her sons died. After their deaths, Naomi determined to return to the land of Judah. Naomi discouraged both Ruth and Orpah (her daughters-in-law) from returning with her. Each had to decide whether to go with Naomi or stay with their families in the land of Moab. Orpah decided to stay, while Ruth chose to go with Naomi. At the time, Ruth’s decision seemed foolish. Yet, all those who read the book of Ruth know the blessings associated with this one wise decision. Ruth came to Bethlehem at the right time (Ruth 1:22), married a great man named Boaz (Ruth 4:13), and God allowed her to become part of the lineage of King David and the Lord Jesus Christ (Ruth 4:17; Matthew 1:5).
As Moses led Israel out of Egypt and on their journey toward the land of promise, he faced almost constant opposition. Numbers chapter 16 chronicles one such instance in great detail. Korah openly questioned and opposed Moses’ leadership forcing him to bring the matter before God. The Lord said He would answer this challenge directly and reveal His choice between Moses and Korah. Not only did God choose Moses, but He also indicated that Korah would be judged by the earth opening up and swallowing him alive. Before the arrival of God’s judgment, the people were instructed to choose by separating from Korah. Judgment fell as the earth opened up, swallowing alive those who followed Korah along with all their possessions. The earth simply closed back up. Interestingly, a brief Bible study (for instance, Psalm 88) reveals that the sons of Korah chose to obey God by separating from their father. Several subtitles in the book of Psalms like that found in Psalm 88 indicate these sons followed God and His servant and survived God’s judgment.
In our passage today, the Bible identifies three gifts from God intended to enable believers to make right decisions. These three gifts are knowledge, wisdom, and reproof. Knowledge involves factual information that enables the believer to possess details before making a decision. The Lord rebuked the simple pointing out that “they hated knowledge” (Proverbs 1:29). Because they hated knowledge, the people did not choose the fear of the Lord. Wisdom, on the other hand, involves the proper use of the knowledge provided by God for the individual. Wisdom takes the facts obtained and uses them to make the right choices. The last of the three gifts completes the package. Reproof entails the enlightenment of error. Knowledge, wisdom, and reproof work together to enable believers to choose wisely and properly.
Every choice in life can yield eternal consequences, some vastly significant, some of lesser importance. No clearer demonstration exists than the many decisions surrounding Christ’s crucifixion. The Jews had unjustly delivered Jesus to the governor. As a gesture to the people at the Roman feast, Pilate frequently released to them a prisoner. In this instance, he gave the Jews a choice between two prisoners—a vile man or the innocent Son of God. Barabbas was justly imprisoned as a robber (John 18:40) and murderer (Mark 15:7). This simple decision turned quite complex for the Jews. The people rejected the sinless Son of God and chose to release a guilty man. With evil hearts and wicked intentions, they cried out for the release of Barabbas. Making matters worse, they demanded that Jesus be crucified though He had done nothing worthy of death. The people became pawns of Satan though they were unaware that Jesus was born to die. He was brought to this point to bear the very sin they just committed, along with the sins of the whole world.
Decision making is an important element of everyday life. The Bible has many clear guidelines in this area. Every Christian must learn how to make decisions and then trust God with the results. Some decisions involve life changing outcomes, yet every decision must be based on biblically sound principles. The book of James, when referring to prayer, warns the reader of the dangers of indecisive and faithless living. This particular prayer pertains to wisdom, but the principle involves a broader application. A man who struggles with indecisiveness is said to be “double minded” reflecting instability in all his ways (James 1:8). A few chapters later the Bible instructs the “double minded” believer to purify his heart (James 4:8). Believers must learn to make decisions with God’s help and stick with those decisions until the Lord directs otherwise.