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All Problems, No Solutions (Numbers 11:4-5)

Introductory Thoughts

Most men have no trouble creating and recognizing the trouble they have created but often experience great difficulty in finding any necessary solutions. In the wilderness, the children of Israel readily identified problems, but rarely, if ever, offered suitable solutions for these problems. Their expectation was that someone else could provide the solutions so long as they found satisfaction in complaining. Even today, this scenario repeats itself in businesses, churches, and family lives. People can complain about problems and often lack the ambition or the wherewithal for finding any lasting solutions. The average person finds enjoyment in expressing his complaints but leaves the solutions to others. This has greatly troubled the workplace, the home, the church, and every nation.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): In Acts 6:1, we read about a problem in the early church. The ones who complained only offered a problem but no solution. Eventually, the apostles had to solve the problem (Acts 6:2-5).
  • (For everyone): How does it demonstrate a lack of character when we are willing to offer up complaints but unwilling to be a part of the solution to the problems we identify?
  • Why is it that man naturally causes or is involved in problems but has little to no concept of how to resolve those problems? How could one improve in this area?

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask God to teach you how to solve problems.
  • Ask God to build this character in you and your loved ones.
