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Contending with God's People (Nehemiah 13:11)

Introductory Thoughts

We should not assume that our contentions for the truth will always be directed toward those who know not the Lord. Unfortunately, our stand for truth will often be opposed by the very ones who claim to know the Lord as Saviour. Nehemiah serves as a great example of someone who stood for the Lord against severe opposition from his brethren. In the thirteenth chapter of the book that bears his name, the Bible records his stand against those who were set apart by the Lord. He contended with them for the house of the Lord (Nehemiah 13:11), the law of the Lord (Nehemiah 13:15-22), and the purity of their homes (Nehemiah 13:23-26). Just as Nehemiah contended with those who knew the Lord, God may call upon us to do the very same thing.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): Peter gladly fellowshipped with his friends who loved God and knew the truth. Yet, when some of his other friends (who also loved God) came to visit, he treated his newer friends with contempt. He was afraid his visiting friends would not like these friends. Paul told Peter before them all that he was wrong and responsible for the hurt and confusion that he caused (Galatians 2:11-14).
  • (For everyone):  Sometimes, those of us who know and love the Lord grow weary and depart from the Lords will for our lives. It is during these times when those who truly love us will contend with us and not spare for fear of offending us.
  • When is the last time you took a righteous stand against someone who claimed to know the Lord as Saviour? It often seems much more difficult to contend with the saved than with the lost.

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask the Lord to give you wisdom as you contend for the truth.
  • Ask God to give you a burden for those who turn from the truth.
