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I Was Envious When I Saw (Psalm 73:3-5)

Introductory Thoughts

The Bible points out that judgment or punishment against an evil work during one’s lifetime is not always executed speedily (Ecclesiastes 8:11). This has made some people think that the wicked can live with seeming impunity from the consequences of their actions. At times it might seem as though the wicked are in fact rewarded for their wickedness while the righteous are punished for diligent, holy living. Believers must live cautiously in order to avoid getting their focus off the Lord and becoming envious of the supposed conquests of the wicked. Although troubles may come to the righteous in spite of their goodness, and help to the wicked in spite of their wickedness, Christians must not and cannot envy the wicked. This dichotomy has caused many once strong Christians to choose the devil’s deceitfulness over God’s goodness.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): Hannah, who was childless, could have become envious at Peninnah who had children. In fact, things became even more difficult when Peninnah mocked Hannah because of her barrenness. Even though this wounded Hannah, she did not cause trouble but prayed to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:2-20).
  • (For everyone): Asaph said he was envious because of something he saw. Are things always as they seem through your eyes? Why is it important to guard against trusting in what you perceive to be true?
  • How can you be sure to temper the perceptions you hold? What is our authority for truth? How can that authority keep you from being tempted to envy the wicked?

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask God for wisdom to see the end of the wicked.
  • Thank the Lord for helping you overcome envy.
