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The Foundation of Great Things (2 Peter 1:5-8)

Introductory Thoughts

Every mature Christian knows that physical strength remains incapable of scaling the spiritual heights of the Christian life. Yet, far too many Christians spend enormous efforts in trying to live the Christian life in their own power. Sooner or later, they all experience the sheer futility of such an endeavour. The Christian life is to be lived and developed in the spiritual realm, never the physical one. Spiritual maturity comes as building blocks that are placed one upon another. Interestingly, when a man begins walking in the power of the Spirit, God opens his eyes to each new area of life in need of attention, correction, and growth. Today’s passage refers to several of these attributes. Each characteristic builds upon the previous ones; things like virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. Every believer ought to strive to exemplify these, yet the Bible identifies one as foundational to them all. According to 2 Peter 1:5, faith remains foundational as the first grace to which believers are to add all others. Those who neglect faith have nothing upon which to build.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): When you build with blocks, you have to start with one block on the bottom to hold and support the others. Building your life starts by believing the truth of God's word. As you continue to learn what the Bible says, by building one block on top of the other, you can do what it says to do.
  • (For everyone): Since faith is foundational to the other spiritual characteristics, how would you say you are doing with your building? Does your foundation need additional attention? Are you trying to work on things like patience without the proper foundation?
  • It can be impossible and definitely unwise to build upon a weak foundation. Are you constantly trying to rebuild facets of your crumbling life? Pinpointing the problem might simply be a foundational lack of faith.

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask God to build your faith strong so you can grow in your walk with the Lord.
  • Ask God to reveal the strength of your faith on a daily basis.


Living By Faith