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Whoso Findeth a Wife (Proverbs 18:22)

Introductory Thoughts

God made man with the natural desire for companionship. Similar to all of God’s other creation; the world, the flesh, and the Devil have corrupted the method by which this desire is consummated. God created Adam as a single man. As time elapsed, it became obvious that Adam did not need to be alone but needed a wife. Although the details do vary from situation to situation, the principles of God’s provisions for companionship for Adam provide superior guidelines for someone seeking the same relationship today. Adam found a wife when the Lord brought Eve to him and not the other way around. Adam too did not go searching for a wife, but God brought her to him. Though times have changed, God can and will do the same today for those who faithfully love and serve Him.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): God made Adam a wife that would be a help meet for him (Genesis 2:18). Above all things, a companion should love the Lord (Psalm 119:63). Since God knows hearts, it is better to let Him do the choosing of a spouse (Proverbs 19:14b).
  • (For everyone): How does the world suggest one should find a companion? What would be some wise rules for finding a spouse? What are some details about Gods provision for Adam that would assist you?
  • How could it be dangerous to get ahead of the Lord in finding a spouse? Upon what should your decisions be based? Upon what basis do most people choose a husband or wife?

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask God to guide your children as they look for the Lords will.
  • Ask the Lord for strength to withstand the worlds assaults.
