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The people had agreed to build the wall, but now the work had to be done. Nehemiah organizes his workers around the wall of the city and they begin to work. However, they had not gotten far before opposition came. Sanballat and Tobiah mocked them and when that did not work, they planned a surprise attack on the workers. When Nehemiah heard of their plans, he organized the people to fight. But the work did not stop for long. Soon, the people went back to work with weapons ready in case they needed to fight. The wall would be finished.
This is a psalm of David. David determines to build God a house—the temple. God does not allow David to build the house but passes this honor to David’s son. However, God promises a house—a dynastic reigning line—to David.
Your music expresses your true heart condition Are you saved? Do you joy in the Lord? Does your music say it? Your music either hinders your relationship with God or draws you closer to Him – Which is it? Your music is either the choice of your own flesh or it is the music of a life surrendered to God
David is at the height of his reign with multiple victories on the field, and a great spiritual victory when he lifts the grandson of his enemy to a place of blessing and prominence.
This is a most difficult time for David. He is constantly in fear for his life. Yet, he survives by continually seeking God’s will.