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In the midst of this story of warfare we find an interesting story about a man. In this man we will see many of the same characteristics of our own lives.
Jehu turns out to be an instrument of God in His riddance of Ahab. His life summary seems to be that of a Bible hero, yet in the end we will find that even Jehu had some failures.
This is one of the great revivals in the Bible. As usual, it is a revival of the word of God. When God’s people return to the word and obey its teachings, they experience great joy and are greatly blessed by the Lord.
Josiah continues to turn Israel back to the Lord. He establishes a covenant with God and cleanses the land from all spiritual defilement. However, judgment is still set to come and after the death of Josiah, the nation goes down quickly.
In the Bible we find that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body, which is the Church. If that is true then we ought to be able to look at the characteristics of the head in scripture and find that it points to some characteristics of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let’s take a look at some of these and see if we can see Jesus.