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In Ezekiel 13, the Lord begins to deal with the building of a wall. Whether this is a literal wall or an application to the wickedness of the prophets, there is much here for the believer to learn.
In our day we have reduced lies to bad lies and white lies. We justify reasons for not telling the truth and it is so much a part of us that our conscience doesn’t even bother us any more.
Certainly, the Lord enabled Nehemiah and the Jews to complete the walls of Jerusalem. However, the leadership of Nehemiah was critical from the human viewpoint. The enemies of the wall threw everything imaginable at him, but he would not turn from the cause at hand. How much we should learn from Nehemiah’s example!
Interpretation of the women that sew pillows to armholes and hunt for the souls of men – soothsayers; fortune tellers, sorcerers. The ones Ezekiel is called to pronounce judgment against are hunting the souls of God’s people and polluting God among His people. This points to a broader application. This message focuses on those who make merchandise of God’s people in order to pollute God among His people.