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The Lord is no respecter of persons, and He demonstrates this in His judgment of the favoured southern kingdom. The Lord is just in His judgment regardless of the identity of the guilty.
Uzziah was a great king and was greatly blessed of the Lord. At the peak of his strength, he began to trust in himself. His strength led to his fall. It is often in times of perceived strength that saints of God become most vulnerable.
It has been said that sin takes us where we do not want to go and that is a true statement. Sin is wrong because it rebels against the will of God; it is dangerous because of where it takes us.
In the Thick Darkness
Defying Impossible Odds
The work of rebuilding the wall is not fully completed until the city is inhabited with a sufficient population and the wall is dedicated to the Lord. If you have done a work for the Lord, make sure that you finish the work by making sure that it set on a firm foundation and by dedicating it to the Lord and to His service.