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Interpretation of the women that sew pillows to armholes and hunt for the souls of men – soothsayers; fortune tellers, sorcerers. The ones Ezekiel is called to pronounce judgment against are hunting the souls of God’s people and polluting God among His people. This points to a broader application. This message focuses on those who make merchandise of God’s people in order to pollute God among His people.
There is a great famine in the land for men who will take a stand for God. John the Baptist was such a man, what about you?
This sermon is a continuation of the study of the book of Leviticus. It is not enough that the offering is brought; it must be acceptable to God. God must receive it.
Learn basic rules of Bible interpretation.
This lesson tells of three attempts by Balak to get Balaam to curse Israel and four prophecies given as a result. Each attempt begins with a sacrifice followed by God’s word to Balaam and closes with Balak’s reaction to the message.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>