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In our day we have reduced lies to bad lies and white lies. We justify reasons for not telling the truth and it is so much a part of us that our conscience doesn’t even bother us any more.
are you losing invitations and blessings by making excuses to god?
The home is under attack. Men are endangered by what they see. This world is trying to corrupt the minds of godly men through the eyes.
One revival or restoration is never enough for the people of God. God’s people follow the natural lines of spiritual degeneration. They will naturally slide backwards toward the ways of the world. They require periodic revivals in order to remain close to the Lord. When the revivals cease, the people will fall further and further away from the Lord.
The work of rebuilding the wall is not fully completed until the city is inhabited with a sufficient population and the wall is dedicated to the Lord. If you have done a work for the Lord, make sure that you finish the work by making sure that it set on a firm foundation and by dedicating it to the Lord and to His service.