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We have heard it taught and preached on many times that Jesus Christ is to be preeminent in our lives, but according to the Bible the preeminence of Christ has nothing to do with you.
Proverbs warns of the prating fool. Find out what a prating fool is and why he is so dangerous.
We are in a war. All of you may not be hearing the gunfire and seeing the smoke rise as the enemy attacks but that does not mean that the war has ceased. There are other people and other times perhaps even now where the sky is filled with smoke and gunshots are going off left and right. What should we do in such times? What should we be looking for? Why is the enemy attacking so strong? Who will help us?
In this chapter, one generation has passed away and a younger generation is taking their places. Who will take over when the old saints die and go to be with the Lord?
This lesson tells of three attempts by Balak to get Balaam to curse Israel and four prophecies given as a result. Each attempt begins with a sacrifice followed by God’s word to Balaam and closes with Balak’s reaction to the message.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>