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Have you ever wondered if the Bible that you have has errors in it? Can we find the word of God today or has it been lost in the original languages? Is it even important to know whether we can find the words of God? Let's allow the Bible speak for itself.
This lesson teaches a lot about personal influence. The woman of Tekoah and Absalom demonstrate two methods for getting your way with others, both of which have an ungodly side to them. How does the Lord want us to influence others?
In this chapter, we learn three great lessons: 1) your sin will surely catch up with you and find you out; 2) the judgment of sin is more than you can ever imagine; 3) God shows great mercy to those who truly repent and turn to Him.
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
Israel will continue to spiral downward away from their God but He will continue to hear their pleas for help and send them deliverers.