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Job may have been the first book of the Bible to have been written down. It is certainly one of the earliest. It deals with a universal theme: the problem of suffering. Is suffering always a punishment for sin? Can we know why we suffer? Will justice triumph in the end? How should we deal with suffering? Consider these questions and others that come to your mind as you study this passage.
The birth and naming of John the Baptist and the prophecy of Zecharias
Your music expresses your true heart condition Are you saved? Do you joy in the Lord? Does your music say it? Your music either hinders your relationship with God or draws you closer to Him – Which is it? Your music is either the choice of your own flesh or it is the music of a life surrendered to God
Wisdom cries out to the simple. She speaks righteousness and she is better than rubies. Sinning against her is sinning against your own soul.
The <em>dayspring</em> is the spring of the day; that is, the morning. This passage reveals some of the scientific details about this phenomenon. However, the dayspring is also a type of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the only other place in the Bible where the word occurs – Luke 1:78.