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This world needs the atonement of “a lamb”, but only “the lamb” can avail. Have you made the Lamb “your lamb”?
Noah's ark was a real, historical boat, but it is also a glorious type of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Leviticus 18 deals with the judgment of God upon a nation that is guilty of shedding innocent blood. How does America line up according to the scriptures?
Abel lived about 6,000 years ago. He did not leave behind any books. In fact, we do not have a single quotation from his lips. Yet, God gives testimony that he being dead yet speaks.
The Bible says that God requires a blood sacrifice. Some preachers say that if Jesus had not shed any blood, then His death would not have been a valid sacrifice. The question is why does God require a blood sacrifice--the life of the flesh is in the blood (you can not live without blood), but you can die without bleeding. What is the significance of the blood sacrifice?”