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In the Bible we find many references to transactions and covenants. In our passage we find one of those references and it is found in the usage of the word surety. Now we know that Christ was made a surety of a better testament, but what exactly does that mean?
Are you one of Christ's so that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If so, are you daily living and walking in the power of the Spirit?
The <em>dayspring</em> is the spring of the day; that is, the morning. This passage reveals some of the scientific details about this phenomenon. However, the dayspring is also a type of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the only other place in the Bible where the word occurs – Luke 1:78.
Jesus has invited every soul to come to Him for rest (Matthew 11:28-20). This cancels all previous engagements. Won’t you accept His offer today?
We often reveal how man is perverting the words of God in the new versions of the Bible. But these words are the foundation for many other things as well. One of the methods Satan does this is by removing the old hymns from our vocabulary. They are dying because the new versions do not lend them support.