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A bookshop owner here in England (Michael Penfold of Penfold Book and Bible House) has recently produced a leaflet called "Is the King James Version Perfect?" in which he lists all of the 'errors' in the AV, details the differences between the 1611 and the one we have today and also belittles those of us that hold the AV to be the infallible word of God. A couple of brothers and I are preparing a thorough reply to this leaflet. I believe that if we don't it may do some Bible believers some harm. The Lord helping us we have managed to answer nearly all of the points he raises. However he does make reference to a textual change in Ezekiel 24:7.
I always hear how satan was a musician how is this supported by scripture?
The creatures mentioned in Ezekiel's vision, first chapter of Ezekiel, later four living creatures in Revelation 7:11, without mention of the faces. Are these the same creatures and do they represent the four gospels?
In Genesis chapter 6:18, the Bible says that God told Noah and his household to enter the ark before the great flood. In Ezekiel chapter 14:20, the Bible says Noah will be saved without his household. Who is the Noah of Genesis and that of Ezekiel?
Do you have anything on this subject? I don't know if you believe that the Jews have lost there promise or not but do you have any thing on your web site about this?