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I need help with research on elder abuse. What scripture references would you use to enlighten me on the Christian's responsibility in  cases of elder abuse? Should the Christian speak out? Is it meddling to discuss/report suspected elder abuse? I found very little in my  concordance under abuse, elder and aged. Can you help?
Do you have any studies on drug use that is illegal? So many teens are using drugs, some say they are herbs and that it is alright. I think this is more than one question, but I have tried to find something to help them understand it is wrong. Thanks
Could you please explain 1 Corinthians 14:34 to me please? "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law." 
What is a tithe? Whom do we tithe to? Is it right to pay tithe to a Pastor or any minister of the church? The 10% of the income, is it gross or net?
My first question concerns the epistles of Timothy and Titus. Why is it that these are called, pastoral epistles? Seeing that the only church authority and responsibility that Paul discusses are the eldership positions of the Bishop and Deacon. Paul never writes or speaks using the word pastor. So I have never been able to find a link between the eldership roles and that of pastor.
Who has control over monies coming into the church?