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With so many religions and religious texts, how can we know the Bible is true, and that Christianity is the right way of living out the biblical text?
I believe the Bible teaches we are to abstain from wine. However, I have been challenged with Deuteronomy 14:26. This passage deals with those whose journeys are far from the temple. Therefore, they are to take money and purchase what the soul "lusteth" after (?) which includes wine. What is going on? I know other clear statements in the Bible cannot be set aside to "make way" for the idea there are instances people can drink. However, I don't have much of an answer.
Can we interpret John 21 better by knowing the Greek words agape and Phileo?  It seems that Peter replies to Jesus twice that he "affectionately loves" Him, after He asks Peter twice if he loves Him--(in the sense of duty and of the will). Then, Jesus uses Peter's own word for love the third time: "Do you Peter love me affectionately?".  That's a big part it seems why Peter was so grieved. Now, isn't it fair to say that you could never know this with the English? Is it possible that the scholars are lying to us about the Greek? Or, is it possible that the Greek manuscripts are in error? Or, not legitimate? I just don't know.
Can you please comment or explain Psalm 82:6 where God says, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." I know in John 10:34 Jesus makes reference to this passage. I have family members who are Mormons and they use these verses to promote their belief that they will one day become gods.
I am doing a study on who controls the weather. I would appreciate any help on this topic.