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I have been having this battle with doubting my salvation for four years now.  Most of the time when I talk to someone about it their first conclusion is that I am not really saved.  So I find myself going through the sinners prayer over and over. I know I am a sinner and want to be saved more than anything in the world. I have repented of my sin and asked Jesus to be my savior. The thought that keeps making me doubt is how do I know if I really trusted Him?  Did I really accept him and if I didn’t how can I ever?  Every time I hear a preacher say do you know you are saved beyond a shadow of a doubt I feel somewhat angry because I fear I will never know.  Some nights I can’t sleep because I fear those words “depart from me ye who work iniquity I never knew you”.  I just keep thinking what if God says that to me because I really never accepted.  It’s like I am afraid to believe I am saved because what if I really am not.  Then I am afraid to believe I am not because I have done everything I can to be saved and fear if I am not I never will be.  I know Jesus died for my sins and want him to be my Saviour.  Just this past week I confessed to a preacher I have doubts sometimes and it’s like he attacked me.  Made me feel like If I can’t believe I am saved, then I wasn’t.
I've been reading the Bible and it says in Matthew that Jesus had 4 brothers and it mentions he had sisters, but it doesn't give their names or how many. I was wondering if you knew what happened to his brothers and sisters and what the sister's names were?
Will those who are married here still be married in Heaven and know each other as Husband and Wife? I don't believe that Matthew 22:30, Mark 12:25 and Luke 20:34-35 are teaching that marriage ends here, because marriage was ordained by God for man and woman forever.
What is faith?
Are the ten commandments Gods Law handed down? Are they never changing? Do they still apply to this day and age?