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Questions and Answers

Please explain Isaiah 65:20.
When will those who are saved during the millennium get resurrected? There will be those entering the Kingdom in a physical body and therefore there will those being born in the Kingdom in a physical (who presumably will be required to be born again) and their body would need to be changed. When will the tribulation saints and the millennial saints be judged? Everyone talks about the Judgment seat of Christ for saved in this age and the Great white throne judgment for the lost. Leaving no judgment for the Tribulation and the Millennial saints. Some even go so far as to say that the church age saints alone will be at the Judgment seat of Christ now leaving no judgment for the Old Testament Saints either.
Why did Jesus turn the water to wine (besides the fact the people had ran out) and why was it his first miracle?
 I often hear preachers use the phrase "and the lamb will lie down with the lion". I am assuming they are quoting the Bible, but I can't find it. I have read Isaiah 11:6-8 and the Book of Revelation numerous times and have yet to find it. What does this phrase the lamb will lie down with the lion mean?