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Questions and Answers

With so many religions and religious texts, how can we know the Bible is true, and that Christianity is the right way of living out the biblical text?
Can you please comment or explain Psalm 82:6 where God says, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." I know in John 10:34 Jesus makes reference to this passage. I have family members who are Mormons and they use these verses to promote their belief that they will one day become gods.
I understand Jewish custom dictates that the body is to be buried with earth to speed the return of the soul to nature or to God. If this is true, why was Christ, a Jew, placed in a rock tomb and not buried in the earth? Please explain the purpose of the Jewish custom too.
Is it Biblical to have a woman deacon?
I was always taught that Angels could do nothing on their own. They were created to do God's will and had no free will of their own. Then I hear Satan rebelled against God and 1/3 of the Angels followed him. How can this be if they have no free will?