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Questions and Answers

I wanted to ask you a question about the testaments. Is the
Old testament in particular the sacrifice of the animals, and the new testament is the shed blood of Jesus for forgiveness? Am I correct?
Someone told me that the word "tempt" when it refers to God, was a typo.  Please let me know what you think.
 Are tongues for today?  Are they unknown or known tongues and what is the meaning of angelic tongues?  Can you explain 1 Corinthians 14 to me; this is the chapter that my relatives say proves that speaking in tongues is for today.
How do you define sin nature? I believe in the concept of original sin inherited from Adam, but recently I was told that sin is actually in our blood. I have believed that sin is in our nature, but I'd never thought of it as actually being in our blood.
Is it ok to seek a sign from God? Doesn't seeking a sign indicate lack of faith?
The Bible says that no one has ever seen God, but what about Moses in the old testament, didn't he see God?