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Questions and Answers

I have been dreaming a lot about being in water, feeling water flowing in my heart. What is happening to me?
What is a good and clear definition of the word "glory"?
Can a preacher direct non-believers to pray a prayer or follow his prayer of repentance and this lead to their salvation?
I recently met someone who is is a "Oneness Pentecostal". They believe that "Trinitarians" believe in 3 gods. Not only does he believe that his group (tongues and all) are the true church but he believes Baptists aren't saved. Where do they come from? How can I refute some of their claims intelligently?
Should children obey their parents if one or both of them is on drugs or involved in some other grotesque sin? They may be giving wrong instructions. Ephesians 6:1.
Regarding foreknowledge, I find it inconceivable and impossible to explain how, according to the traditional doctrine of God's foreknowledge, God can know from the beginning who will be saved and who will not be saved while at the same time both of the latter have a free will in choosing their destiny. I'm open to hearing someone else explain this but after 25 years of trying to come to a Biblical and logical answer, I find none. Perhaps you can help?
What is the interpretation of Acts 1:6?