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Questions and Answers

King Saul was rejected as King by God for rejecting His Word. Is he in Hell?  How about King Solomon? He went to worship idols because of his wives. Is he in Hell?
What does having the favor of God mean?
Could you help me refute the teaching of soul sleep?
I believe the Bible teaches we are to abstain from wine. However, I have been challenged with Deuteronomy 14:26. This passage deals with those whose journeys are far from the temple. Therefore, they are to take money and purchase what the soul "lusteth" after (?) which includes wine. What is going on? I know other clear statements in the Bible cannot be set aside to "make way" for the idea there are instances people can drink. However, I don't have much of an answer.
I am new to the bible and all I want to do is learn the common prayers. I do not know the names, but for example the now I lay me down to sleep, etc.