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Questions and Answers

For the past 5 years my Husband & I have been overwhelmed with trials. We are trying to stay strong & praise God for Making us stronger Thru Trials. The weak side of me says are we being punished for something? How does one know. What do we do but pray, pray, pray read Job and Psalms?
What is the basis within God that enables Him to forgive sin, is it on the basis of His mercy or on the basis of His justice?
I tithe from my gross. Since I started to tithe, my financial miracles have been varied but evident, what lacks was provided for. But in July and August 05, it's not been easy. I have tithed and given more, but time is running out on me, I haven't been able to pay rent. As I still wait for the Lord, tell me is it strange?
How can I give my all to God? How do I give my best to God?
When non-christians ask us how we know that what we believe in is the truth, and how do we prove it, how do we answer that question?