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Questions and Answers

With so many religions and religious texts, how can we know the Bible is true, and that Christianity is the right way of living out the biblical text?
Should we participate in the man made holiday of Lent?
Who is Antichrist?
Can the blood of Jesus be used to rebuke the Devil?
My question is, can a Christian  be possessed by the devil? Please give further elaboration in this matter.
Can you tell me what a dumb spirit is?
What does it mean when the Bible says that an evil spirit was sent by God to torment Saul (reference 1 Samuel 16:14-15)?
Who is Satan?  Why is he allowed to exist? What do we know about him?
Is Lucifer and Satan the same? The Bible says Satan is from the beginning a liar, from the day of his creation. Lucifer is not like that, he was a holy cherub till the day he was found guilty. Please compare and give me an answer.
I understand at one time Satan was an angel in Heaven, the most beautiful. I have often wondered where his sin derived from to want to "take over". As I understand it, he was the one to start "tempting" to cause Eve to sin, but what caused his sin to become what it led to?