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Is it wrong to see our family members naked?
What does the Bible say about nudity? I know of people who live in nudists camps, and I think it is wrong. To me, nudity should be private, between a husband and wife, not something you share with everyone. Please e-mail me and tell me what the Bible says, am I right or wrong?
Why do some use the term Holy Ghost, which sounds like a ghost, rather than God the Holy Spirit?
I believe that the two witnesses are Elijah and Enoch in the Tribulation Period. Can you shed some light on this subject for me?
In Genesis chapter 6:18, the Bible says that God told Noah and his household to enter the ark before the great flood. In Ezekiel chapter 14:20, the Bible says Noah will be saved without his household. Who is the Noah of Genesis and that of Ezekiel?